Fast Self-Service Tap Installation

Meet Phil, the fastomatic bartender. A fast self-service tap installation with many benefits for your event or hospitality business.

Where can I use Phil?

Phil offers various products, each with its own specifications and options. Fully customizable according to your own wishes and needs.


A birthday party, communion or wedding? Phil provides a tasty pint where your guests can serve themselves. As easy as a click.


Do you have a fair, company party or team building event coming up where you would like to leave a good impression on your guests with excellent service? Then you can attract attention and steal the show with Phil.


Having trouble finding suitable staff for your event or is the tapping slow? Phil offers the solution! Save on staff and work efficiently.


Do you have an event coming up from one day to one week? Rent Phil and enjoy all its benefits. Request a quote without obligation, we will make the best price for you!

Rent your tap installation

Why Phil?

Phil offers various products, each with its own specifications and options. Fully customizable according to your own wishes and needs.

Faster and Reliable

Phil is always on time, likes to work long hours, is never absent, can tap 4 pints at the same time and never gets tired. In short, a sincere and reliable bartender without the costs.

Unseen Tap Speed

Phil always taps 195 pints from 1 barrel without exception! More profit, less gas and water consumption. Consequently, also less transport costs and more environmentally friendly. Only profit.


Phil is unique worldwide. Our tap installations have a patented filling method. This fills the glasses from the bottom with an unseen tap speed. No other installation can match this!

No Wage Costs

The wage costs for catering staff in Belgium are among the highest in the world. Calculate how much time your staff needs to tap a barrel, and subtract this from the profit per barrel! This is what you save by working with Phil.


Feel free to contact us at, or +32 (0)56 89 41 69.

Request a quote!